2 loops 1 reservoir?


New member
i am in the proses of ordering a building a new pc. i am going with the msi suprim and a 13900ks. so i am a little worried about temps in a single loop. so here is my idea tell me if u think it is dumb or not or have any advise to make it work optimally. so i was thinking use an aurora 250 with 2 loops coming out of it by putting a Y connector on the in and out and having one loop run through the gpu to my front mounted radiator and have the second loop run to my cpu to my top mounted radiator and the the 2 radiators would each pipe to a Y at the reservoir. im not sure that 1 pump would do this so i was thinking about putting 1 pump at the start of each loop. this way neither component is getting the hot water from the other and i would get 2 radiators for heat dispersion since both of those components produce a lot of heat. would i need 2 pumps to make this work or could i run both loops off one pump or am i just way off in crazy land with this idea. any advise or suggestions is appreciated.


Staff member
a parallel loop is always a bad idea by a water cooling system and can cause that one component doesn´t get enough fluid.

You can either go with one loop, which is the standard version or with two separat loops. In one loop you have the benefit if you are using two radiators, that you have more cooling capacity for the components which is under load. Normally you have either the CPU or GPU under full load but never both at the same time.