Dual CPU , GPU and Alphacool Distroplate


New member
Im looking to add distro plate to my build but not sure if it supports this setup ,
Here are my question :
1) Is the water inlet / outlet have separate channels or its mixed in distro plate
(in my current setup Reservoir> GPU > CPU 1 > CPU2 >RADIATOR> Reservoir)
2) Is there any spare inlet/outlet for the second CPU? or do i have to loop it from CPU 1

The distro plate im planning is : Alphacool Core Distro Plate 360 Right with VPP Apex Pump



Staff member

you can directly connect 3 components to the universal Distro plates. Since you have 4 components ibn your system ( you are replacing the Reservoir with the Distro plate), you have to connect at least to components serial. This can look like this. Please note that the photo is a example for a 5 component system but in your case you can ignore R1 and directly go in your GPU and R2 will be replaced with your 2nd CPU.photo_2023-07-31_15-58-59.jpg