Parts needed to mod the eiswolf 2 for 7900 xtx


New member
looking to turn the eiswolf 2 into a custom loop as i have had to RMA twice now due to faulty pumps.
I im looking at getting the D5 pump and res, with the soft tubing, some clear coolant, and some fittings. I am unsure what fittings are best though, if anyone has a link and how many id need and also for the fittings that screw in to close the holes that are unused, unless they come packed with the pump.
Other issue I have is whether the rad is usable again, as I want to swap out the black tubing that comes with it for the clear stuff. Can this be detached form the rad that comes with it, or will i need to buy a seperate rad and only use the block. I will be swapping out the pump for the fittings to connect hoses.

Just so I have a clue on everything i need, or will most fittings come with the pump etc?


Staff member
You can continue to use the radiator, that's no problem. For the fittings, 13/10mm fittings would be ideal. It's up to you which ones you use.
I would advise against clear hoses. They contain plasticizers that can flush out over time and clog radiators. Most people have been switching to EPDM or TPV hoses for 2 years now. But these are only available in black.
Otherwise, all components are replaceable. Most of it is more a matter of taste.