Recent content by Fcbofhk

  1. F

    Esiblock Aurora Acryl GPX-N RTX 4090

    I have been working on a modification to my missing part. I cut some of my pe soft tubing to compensate the original acryl part , the jetplate stay in middle right now,it not 100% fit but should do the same job .Water flow test seems to be fine.
  2. F

    Esiblock Aurora Acryl GPX-N RTX 4090

    Is there some kind of technique to put the white oring back ?Maybe I do it wrongly.
  3. F

    Esiblock Aurora Acryl GPX-N RTX 4090

    I just receive this water block today. I open and check the water block andthen found out that the middle plate and the white oring gone loose, i tired to fix it but it still loose . Is this normal ?