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  1. I

    eisball coolant

    And part 2 to this, i highly advise against mystic fog as a whole. Looks pretty for short periods of time, has been well documented to fallout anywhere from 1 week to a couple months. The rarest cases are where it works as intended for longer than that. Solid coolants last longer than that...
  2. I

    Eiswolf Radiator Bolts for Low Profile Fans

    expanding on this, you can buy a variety pack of m3 screw lengths off amazon pretty cheap if your local hardware store doesn't have any
  3. I

    Expanding Eiswolf 2 Loop

    i'm going to suggest a stronger pump if you're expanding past a single block. Weak pump(dc-lt) to begin with, definitely not suited for 2 block/2 rads. D5 if you can fit it, ddc if you cannot. Since this is the place to shill ocool, vpp655 would be the D5. You'd need a res/pump top too, matching...