Alphacool Eisfluegel Aurora High Flow - Question regarding aRGB Connection


New member
Hello, I'm interested in purchasing an Alphacool Eisfluegel Aurora High Flow.
Its aRGB lighting is most likely to be controlled by my motherboard, and I learnt that the flow indicator comes with an Adapter to 3-Pin 5V.

However, the product page mentions nothing about the connection between the adaptor and the flow meter.


So I would like to know if the circled cable in the attached figure is included in the scope of delivery.

And if included, may I know the length of this cable?


Staff member
It is included, but to be honest, i am not sure about the length. Think it was ~ 10 cm long. For the newer products, the datasheet is always linked at the bottom of the article text, there you can see what is exatly inside the scope of delivery.