First custom loop is Cryofuel ok to use?


New member
Im am getting ready to order and build my First custom loop pc with Alphacool components and am looking at coolants. i plan on doing a read them for the computer and am looking at EK CryoFuel Blood Red. It is a transparent red but everything on all of Alphacools pages say "clear transparent water cooling fluids". Is this an ok way to go or do i need to use totally clear fluid and use the LED rings to achieve my desired results?


Staff member
You can also use clear colored liquids from us. What EK has for ingredients, we do not know, therefore we also do not take over guarantee, if damages result from this liquid. What should be clear, however, is that any colored liquid will eventually lead to deposits. Color particles settle and the radiator ect. will be colored over time. To clean that is sometimes no longer completely possible. There is then also no guarantee, that should be clear. This is also the reason why we only recommend or support transparent fluids.