Converting Eiswolf 2 to custom loop


New member
I have had my Eiswolf 2 running on my 3090 for 18 months and things have all gone pear shaped recently. Unfortunately the reseller Aquatuning want me to send the whole package all the way back to Germany from Australia, and that is going to cost almost as much as what I paid for cooler in the first place.

So I am looking into the option of converting my Eiswolf 2 and active backplate into a custom loop, as I believe others have done before me and have some questions to make sure I get the correct parts and don't end up throwing more money at an already expensive solution. This should also overcome the problem with the pump in the Eiswolf 2 seemingly being underpowered.

I believe that all I need is the following:

Replacement terminal block:
Combined pump and reservoir:

My questions are though:

1. How do I clean the green gunk out of my existing water block? After disassembling from the GPU, can I just flush it through with warm water, will that be enough? I assume I'll also need to empty and flush the radiator as well?

2: How much coolant will I need to refill the entire system? I have most of a 1L bottle of Apex ECO, but not sure if that will be enough.

3: I know I will need to replace the paste on the back of the GPU, but am I likely to be able to reuse the thermal pads or will they need to be replaced? If they do, am I safe to go off the size and in particular thicknesses listed in the online user manuals for the water block and the backplate?

Cheers for any advice,



... the nice marketing guy next door
Staff member
I have one basic question: Why do you want to remove & replace the Eiswolf 2 pump top? To flush the system?

You can install the pump & terminal. Depending on the position in the system, you will need 2 more connections & additional hose.

You have to flush the AiO. Draining & filling is done via the FillPort on the radiator. Please use distilled water for rinsing. To be on the safe side, I would recommend buying another bottle of Apex Eco for filling.

After 1 1/2 years of use, it may already make sense to replace the pads. Pad thicknesses and dimensions can be found in the manual. If you choose our 7 W/mK pads, you are on the safe side.


New member
I want to remove and replace the pump because my temps even with the water cooler are unacceptably high and I have a theory that it is down to the pretty sluggish performance of the Eiswolf 2 pump. I have to strip the whole thing down to clean out the green gunk anyway, and considering the coolant is hardly moving it seemed like a good time to upgrade to solution that might actually keep the card as cool as I'd expect a 360mm radiator setup to do.


... the nice marketing guy next door
Staff member
As I said, the AiO normally runs reliably even with an active backplate. As discussed in the 2nd parallel article, we should definitely check the package topic! So that the AiO has a realistic chance ;-)

Nevertheless, your idea is a good one. In this case, more flow simply increases performance. And since you have to open the system as well, now would be the perfect time for the upgrade.


New member
Hi Thomas, I did a big update in the other thread, I am happy for now, but if performance drops off again I will definitely be putting a more powerful pump into the system.