How to rinse radiators before use?


New member
Hi guys,

the Nexxxos v2 user guide ( says “Before use: Rinse the radiator with distilled water or Alphacool Cape Kelvin Catcher”. Does that mean that I should use the cooling liquid first with some sort of coffee filter to get out any dirt or that I should use some of the cooling liquid to rinse and then discard that liquid? If I plan to use Tec Protect Ultra as a liquid, shall I use that one to rinse the radiators instead of Cape Kelvin Catcher?

I found a video using very strong acid or vinegar/baking soda (
) - is this recommended or preferable?


Staff member
You need only destilled water to flush the radiator a bit. It is enough if you put some destilled water in the radiator and shake it a bit, that is enough.