weird spots inside water block


New member
So I finished building my dream computer the other weekend and I'm super happy with the products from AC. After running the PC for about a week I've noticed spots on the inside of the acrylic on my GPU block and it got me a bit worried.

I used esd gloves when putting it together so there's no fingerprints. And where the "spots" are located it's not possible to put any fingers. The block was clear except from some light scratch marks when I got it. My question is: Is this condensation that's formed in tiny gaps in between the acrylic and the metal parts? And if so, Is it a defect or not? Has anyone experienced the same thing?

Thankful for answers!


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Staff member

this looks like condensated water, but it shouldn´t be in this spots. I would kindly ask you to contact our support team over mail ( to start an RMA with them. Don´t forget to attach a photo or link to this thread and if you didn´t purchase it directly from us an invoice copy.